​Barcelona, a Friendly Ecosystem for Start-Ups
We recently spoke about how Barcelona ranks fifth in Europe in term of number of tech companies that have raised at least $1 million in 2016.

New data communicated this week by Catalunya Emprèn program director Pere Condom confirm how friendly is the ecosystem offered by the Catalan capital to innovating companies, especially start-ups: on the occasion of the opening of the Barcelona Startup Week second edition, Pere Condom explained that by the end of 2016, 2,000 start-ups will be registered in Catalonia, which corresponds to a global amount of about €500 million investment injections.

Besides, Catalan start-ups that will be absorbed this year by large corporations o will decide to be quoted on the stoke exchange will represent for the first time a € 1 billion global amount of capital (half of that amount corresponds to the sale of Privalia platform). 

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